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you are a woman of many faces

and the one that suits you best

i fear

unat 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • May 26 Wed 2010 17:49
  • Sorry.

I did something completely WRONG today.

A meeting aiming to discuss graduates' issues was held this afternoon.  To my surprise, D. attended the meeting.  I have attended two classes he offered, and I knew he REALLY CARES about we graduate students.  However, when I intended to say something, when the microphone was passed to me, I did not speak in English.  Instead, I spoke in Chinese, a language that D. has no idea about.  Speaking in a language he does not understood, I, whether consciously or not, excluded him from our discussion.

I did the inappropriate behavior for several reasons.  But none of them are sufficient enough to ease my sense of guilty.

First, I had no courage to deviate from the norm.  The meeting had begun by professors speaking in Chinese, and I felt it embarrassed to respond these professors in English.  

Wait, the reason sounds weird even to myself....   Okay, let me face the evil spirit dominating my soul.  The first reason I just offered is merely an excuse.  I did not speak in English because I knew clearly that if I had spoken in English, people would have realized that I cared about him and wanted him to participate.  

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這學期明明少了德文課,怎麼還是覺得一路被 weekly responses 跟 assigned readings 拖著走呢… 


我竟然說老師這學期比較溫和? 我一定是瘋了。

因為Book 9, 10 沒念,weekly response 又亂寫,早上起不來又遲到了二十分鐘… orz

結果老師今天正眼都不看我一眼耶 Q_Q

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問我打哪來的? 怎麼不當TA? 這學期修了哪些課等等。


unat 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

2 莎劇與聖經 Milton       精神分析  
3 莎劇與聖經
西哲       精神分析  
4 莎劇與聖經 Milton 西哲
5 系辦打工          
6 系辦打工       文學批評  
7 系辦打工       文學批評  
8         文學批評  

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這星期的莎士比亞課,我不小心提到 Desdemona 是 Othello 的 mirror 的怪想法。



結果剛才一查,發現mirror其實是Othello中的大主題耶! 幾份很有重量(?)的論文都有談到這個議題。


unat 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

1. 補到宿舍了 喔耶

    (10/14)  http://unat.pixnet.net/album/set/15514636 

    室友是一位城鄉所的馬來西亞姑娘,非常熱情nice喔 :)

2. 去登記宿舍時巧遇另一枚高中同學,也在念文學院碩一

3. 本來還因為一直讀不完書寫不完作業而覺得好無力呀,重新check老師的Reading Schedule後卻發現這週的份已經差幾頁幾念完了耶!  耶耶耶!!

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          一              二             三              四                五           
1                     系辦工讀
2      莎劇         系辦工讀
3      莎劇         系辦工讀   西洋哲學*
4      莎劇                        西洋哲學*                                      

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